Part 3 – I edited, I moved, I edited, I moved…and the book was on hold once more!

My work was flourishing and my family was growing…baby number two arrived! But this challenged my body and I had to stop working once again. But do not worry, even though we went through hard times, the best choices were presented. 

First, I had time to recuperate and this time, I knew what to do. Not only it was fast, but I felt better than what I did before I had my second daughter. I found very little time to write my book, but I wrote (or I should say, I edited more than I wrote). At this point I had 5 clunky chapters.

Second, I got a job! But it required us to move to another state, but we welcome the adventure. This meant that the book writing had to be postponed – nothing new.

My illnesses were now officially in remission – this meant that I had finally managed to get them under control. I got another job offer, with the same company, in another state. Yup, we moved again! So you can imagine the book was on hold once more. And guess what, we moved two more times after that. But I am getting ahead of myself.